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The NC Governor’s Highway Safety Program recently published the results of a campaign against driving while impaired that took place statewide in North Carolina between June 28 and July 4, 2010.

Officers cited a total of 1,291 people for driving while impaired, according to an article on The campaign included at least 4,609 sobriety checkpoints. Taking the podium for the most citations handed out were Mecklenburg (87), Wake (77) and New Hanover (65) counties.

In addition to the DWI citations, cops issued a whopping 49,235 traffic and criminal citations. These included 4,305 safety belt and 738 child passenger safety violations. Another 14,641 speeding citations were issued.

These numbers add up to a lot of unnecessary risks taken and a lot of important lessons (hopefully) learned. Fines might be a financial burden, but consider the potential of more dire consequences from driving while impaired, failure to wear proper restrains and speeding! In fact, in North Carolina in 2005, 36 percent of traffic fatalities involved drivers under the influence of alcohol. Imagine if they’d simply made the responsible decision and designated a sober driver!

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