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Trooper Justin Matthew Maness was in pursuit of driver George Earl Johnson, Jr., 26, of Jamesville, NC for allegedly speeding at 73 mph in a 55 mph zone when the two vehicles were involved in a series of collisions.

Around noon on February 14, 2011, Trooper Maness followed Mr. Johnson through the parking lot at the Williamston, NC Wal-Mart. As the two cars near the entrance to a KFC/Taco Bell, they came into contact with one another. The impact caused Mr. Johnson’s vehicle to veer out of control, finally stopping in front of a sign. Trooper Maness’s patrol car jumped the curb, struck a sign and landed in the grass near the parking lot.

Surprisingly, the story does not end there. Mr. Johnson reportedly attempted another getaway. As he pulled forward, his car hit another State Highway Patrol car head-on. Sergeant Kiplin Gray Sales was driving this second patrol car and sustained serious, evident injuries, according to the official accident report.

Mr. Johnson also faces charges of speeding 73 mph in a 55 mph zone, careless and reckless driving, felony speeding to elude arrest, driving while license revoked, and assault on a law enforcement officer with a deadly weapon. Two minors were with him in the car at the time of the accidents. He also faces charges of misdemeanor child abuse.

For more details or to view the official accident report online, visit or call Egerton & Associates, P.A. at 1-800-800-4LAW.

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