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Drinking and driving is a prevalent issue among twenty-somethings, especially people under the age of 25.The US Department of Health and Human Services reported that in 2009, nearly one in four people ages 21-25 admitted to having driven under the influence of alcohol during the past year.

But sometimes, people twice that age are as reckless as newly legal drinkers.

David Townsend Ward, 50, of High Point, faces charges including two counts of hit and run with serious injury, driving while impaired (DWI), failure to report a collision, failure to drive on the right side of the road and reckless driving.

On Friday night, January 28, 2011, David Ward allegedly drove across the median on East Market Street in Greensboro and struck a car head-on. Injuries were reported following the car crash, but the conditions of the victims remain unclear.

According to police, after the head-on collision David Ward did not stop but continued driving east down the westbound lanes of Market Street. He wrecked several other vehicles and ran over one pedestrian’s leg!

Can’t picture the catastrophe? Take a look at the diagrams drawn up by authorities on the official accident reports.

Several local media outlets have reported the incident, though it remains unclear how authorities located David Ward after he fled the scene of these automobile accidents.

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