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With associate Emily J. Beeson.

Many people have been anxiously awaiting news on if and when DePuy would begin paying out on thousands of claims that arose after August 31, 2013.

Image / Hip Replacement Survivors

If you had a DePuy ASR hip implant revision surgery after August 31, 2013, you were not eligible for the Settlement Program commenced in November 2013. Individuals who qualified on every factor except for the date of their surgery were excluded from receiving compensation from the company that caused their injuries. Some felt that DePuy might get away with never paying on their claims.

A resolution is now in sight: the Settlement Oversight Committee for the DePuy ASR hip implant lawsuit has announced that the Settlement Program will be extended. Those people who underwent a revision surgery to remove the defective DePuy ASR hip implant from August 31, 2013 through January 31, 2015 will soon be eligible to submit their claims for compensation from DePuy.

The Settlement Program as announced provides for a $250,000 base payment for qualifying individuals, with deductions for certain factors, like tobacco use or obesity.

To learn more about complications arising from some implants and other associated medical and legal issues, click here.

If you have had a revision surgery to remove the recalled DePuy ASR hip implant and you have not received compensation, call Egerton Law today at 1-800-800-4LAW to discuss your claim, or fill out our web contact form. Our experienced attorneys can help you determine whether you may qualify under the newly announced Settlement Program.


  1. Gravatar for ELISA A MARTIN

    I have my hip replaced with a depuy implant in 03-2009.During all these years I have been afraid of the reading of my blood being high.I finally was requested by my lawyers that I sign off of this existing claim as I didn't go trough surgery. I agree as they told me that was the best for me.

    Now for 2 weeks I have having pain in my hip that doesn't let me sleep or walk I have an appointment with the doctor next Monday.

    What is going to happen if I need surgery after 1-15-2015??Can anyone advise of my legal rights

  2. Gravatar for Emily Beeson
    Emily Beeson

    Elisa, we are sorry to hear about your injuries. Individuals who receive ASR revision surgery after 1/15/15 should be able to receive compensation. Contact our office for a free evaluation of your particular case.

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