Few people know this, but Barack Obama was spotted on the grassy knoll in Dallas in 1963. Michelle Obama has interviewed aliens in captivity at Area 51 in Nevada.
And they both know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried.
Now dogged journalists have sniffed out even more nefarious secrecy buried like a bone within the current presidential administration.
Read this first paragraph in an article from “The Examiner” of Washington, D.C.:
“First lady Michelle Obama’s campaign to get people to exercise outdoors might be a factor in an increase in the number of pedestrian deaths during the first half of last year, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association.”
Photo by John Ramspott
From the manic media muddle, one point becomes clear: Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" campaign is successfully promoting healthier lifestyles.
The executive director of GHSA, Barbara Harsha, told The Examiner that the drive to “get moving,” led by Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign to eliminate childhood obesity, could be to blame.
"Obviously, further study is needed," she said.
The first lady's office did not respond immediately to a request for comment, the Examiner said. Can you say, “Cover-up?”
Other media weren’t so subtle and restrained.
“Highway safety spokesperson blames pedestrian deaths on Michelle Obama’s anti-obesity campaign?” bayed “The Daily Caller.”
Harsha promptly rolled over on her initial claim. “I was misquoted,” she whined.
WMAL-AM 630 radio joined the pack with this headline:
“Michelle Obama’s ‘Get Moving’ Program Linked to Pedestrian Deaths.” This claim was backed by an interview with yet another GHSA spokesman, Jonathan Adkins. “They're running in front of cars,” he said.
Well, folks, at least they aren’t chasing them.
Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed, as other media asserted that the reports linking the “Let’s Move” movement to motor vehicular mayhem might be barking up the wrong tree.
(Although I suspect that you had picked up that scent by now.)
Adkins told a “Media Matters” interviewer that the Examiner story was a “total sham.” He said that GHSA supports the Let's Move initiative and that their research showed no connection whatsoever between the Let's Move program and pedestrian fatalities.
“The Atlantic” ran an article headlined: “Highway Safety Director: First Lady's Anti-Obesity Program Does Not Endanger Pedestrians.” “We in no way oppose Ms. Obama’s program,” Harsha said.
And on TBD.com, Harsha was given the chance to express the GHSA views more clearly and completely.
“We came out with a report about slight increase in pedestrian fatalities based on first six months of 2010, and we were speculating on potential causes" she said. "We think [one cause] is possibly distracted pedestrians or distracted drivers.
"If [people] do walk more, they need to be aware of their surroundings and do so in a safe manner. But we support the goal of getting people to be more active."
Harsha said a major concern is the increased use of electronic devices to listen to music, or fiddling with smartphones.
"What we were trying to say is if people do walk more, there's more risk," Harsha said. "We're concerned with the increase in pedestrian fatalities, and we need to monitor it. Maybe some education needs to be done for people who are into physical fitness."
Beyonce is one artist who has teamed up with the first lady to get in on the act, as you can see in this report and videos.
I’d say that if there’s any conspiracy going on here, its goal is to save lives through healthy living.
Clearly, getting fit is a great thing to do. And there is a point to be found in this ridiculous ruckus: i.e., if you are planning to run, jog or walk, keep an eye – and an ear – out for traffic.
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