The jury in the DePuy Pinnacle hip implant trial has returned with a verdict of $500 million for the 5 plaintiffs whose cases were presented over the last months.
The DePuy Pinnacle is a metal-on-metal hip implant with a history of higher than average rates of premature revision surgeries.
The outcome of the trial has been highly anticipated, as
over 8,000 cases involving the implant have been filed in federal court.
Image / Hip Replacement Survivors
DePuy Pinnacle hip implant recipients are hopeful that the verdict will persuade DePuy to begin settling claims of those injured by the metal-on-metal hip device.
A similar product, the DePuy ASR hip implant, yielded settlements for several thousand individuals since 2013.
The jury was in deliberations since Thursday, March 10.
DePuy is likely to appeal the award. DePuy is a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, Inc.
An attorney with Egerton Law in Greensboro, North Carolina, Ms. Beeson focuses mainly on product liability law. Working within the field itself for several years has given Emily valuable, firsthand knowledge that makes her quite adept at navigating this intricate area of practice.
Sorry,after 5 years of limping around and a revision surgery, over 100 physical therapy session and numerous injections, they will appeal, file continuances and drag this out for a few more years. It's a shame, victims suffer and some die, but big business continues to manipulate and deceive and the justice system can do nothing.
They should demand a settlement offer and force arbitration
I have had two pinnacle hip surgerys my first one in my right around 2009 and had my left hip done in around march 2009 it lasted for just four to five months I did not know what was going on I was running a high fever and got someone to take me to my doctor I was put in the hospital come to find out my left hip was badly infected then they put a tube in the hip joint and try to get the infection out but did not work I remember seeing it coming out the tube and it black clunks of stuff then I was told they would have to take my implant out and put an iv in me for when I got home I was in bed having injections every day for two and half months so that was being cut on my hip twice with 40 plus staples and in December 2009 cut open again to replace the new so called another depuy pinnacle hip and they said I should not have any more problems well in 2011 I found out from another doctor that my left hip was infected again he said it wood be dangerous and hard to find a doctor to replace it then in 2015 I found out my right hip had tissue damage and necrosis eating the bone around hip replacement joint I don't know what to do anymore the every day pain is to hard to handle some days I don't want to get out of bed Johnson and Johnson needs to man up and pay for all the people what they deserve an more god bless all the people with the pinnacle hip believe me your not along I am not giving up and I will fight it to the end
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